Beware Of Biased Review Sites.
How to spot a bogus (100% Biased) Website.
This article will help save you from getting ripped off.
Take 2 Minutes To Read This Page If You Are Serious About Male Enhancement.
Tired of Trying Products That Didn’t Work As Advertised?
Tired of The Bogus “Porn Star Product Review Sites”?
Tired of The “Primale / MaleCore” & ”Ultra” Outrageous size claims?
Tired of the fake review sites which sell their own brands?
Tired of the “BuyGoods” Alpha and Boostaro scam product sites?
Tired of Trying to Figure Out Which Sites are Telling The Truth?
Tired of Getting Ripped Off?
We understand your anger and feel your frustration! You can now rest assured that you are finally in a safe place far from the scams, bogus reviews, marketing hype and garbage products.
We do not own the products on this site and we do not sell products on this site!
This is a Real Review Site. You will only find Expert & User based reviews so you can buy a product that actually works and not a product that is secretly owned by the review site that lists it.
Buyer beware as your wallet, health and safety depends on it.
Stay Clear of 99% of the Male Enhancement Gummies on the market, especially those which are called Vital Surge, ManUp, Alpha Drive, Alpha Bites, Alpha Force and Animale” just to name a few. They should be called male enhancement gimmicks not gummies. The bottom line is that gummy vitamins do not have the same potency as traditional vitamins that come in a capsule or pill form. The dosage of gummy vitamins can be very unreliable. Chances are that by the time you eat your gummy, its vitamin content will have degraded. This is why most if not all gummies ONLY carry a 30-60 day guarantee. They hope you buy a 3-6 month supply and when the results do not appear you only find out that you no longer qualify for a return!!! Four of the brands listed above are owned by the same company which is well known for quite literally scamming people. The better option is to take traditional pills, tablets or capsules.
Beware of any brand which goes by the names of “Clubhouse Wood, Primal Grow, Bio Peak, Maximum Edge, Ultra, Male, Core, Ultimate Pro, Maverick, Male Pro, Core XL, Vaso, or Ultimate Extreme “. Our readers tell us that most of those products are all owned and marketed by the same scam company which is well known for making outrageously fraudulent claims about what their products can do. They all claim to “Get Massive Penis Size” or “#1 Pill to Add Inches” in their advertising which is 100% fraudulent. The FDA and FTC is investigating their bogus claims.
The newest bogus brands to hit the market are called Boostaro and Booster XT which appears to be the same company that peddles Alpha XT , Animale, Aizen Power, EndoPeak, GiantFX7, LX2 Liberator and TestoUltra just to name a few. They operate fake review sites and product sites which are full of nonsense claiming that their products cure premature ejaculation which is completely bogus.
Boostaro claims to offer a 180 day guarantee however our readers tell us that their hidden fine print says it is only good for 30 days!!! Stay clear of this scam!!
The fake review sites are easy to spot. They are usually a direct rip off of this site’s content however the products are all different. They also claim that they have been around longer than us by claiming to be in business for 20 years when in truth they just fired up their copycat website(s) within the last few months or sometimes just days. They seem to forget that anyone can check the “whois information” (background) on any domain name or product website and see that they are lying about themselves, their experience and the number of clients.
The site you are on now, went live Feb 26th 2004. That’s over 20 years in the business of reviewing male enhancement products.
While we do not have any issues with new websites coming into the mix offering real unbiased reviews, we do not appreciate the ones who only give biased reviews and fake testimonials and actually own the products they review!
We have been informed by our readers to also stay clear of the following products called Viva Prime Enhance, Primal Male, Ultimate Male, MaleCore, Maverick, VasoManix, ULTRA Gold, Superior Male and Gladiator which all appear to be owned by the same company which is well known for making outrageously fraudulent and bogus claims about what their products can do.
There are countless others which also use fraudulent marketing tactics; Booster Xt. Boostaro, Alpha Force, Alpha Bites, Viva Prime, Animale, Virectin, Nitric drive, gRockMe, Elite909, BIGMan Plus, Erectin, GentMax, Testomentin, Zydenafil, Viritenz, VirilX, Vasostam, Granite and of course SizeGenix just to name a few.
Stay clear of the hundreds of duplicate scam sites (all owned by the makers of the bogus product called VigorNow). These products do not work as advertised and are a total fraud. The claims stated are impossible and all of the testimonials, and so called “clinical studies” are false. Even the doctor they use is not a real doctor. The FTC and FBI are investigating.
You will not find any of the brands above listed in a positive light on any other website except for the websites that are OWNED by the manufacturer of those products!
Bogus Brands / Biased Review Sites
1. BuyGoods Male Enhancement Products & Related Websites.
Our team of readers and researchers are doing their best to figure out exactly what the company called “BuyGoods” behind the countless new male enhancement brands is doing. All we have uncovered so far is that every single product that has popped up online associated with the company uses the same fraudulent and bogus marketing tactics. They seem to be engine behind the shady products called Boostaro, Booster xt, Alpha Force, Alpha Bites and Vital Surge just to name a few. Peddling gummies and other vitality products that fraudulently claim to cure ED and various other sexual issues has the FDA and FTC hopping.
2. Porn Star Endorsed Products =100% Scam Products!!
R J “80’s Porn Star endorsed”
The site is owned by the makers of the products called SizeGenix and SizeVitrexx, (Same products previously named: SizeVital, Rexazyte, Rexavar, Rexadrene, Penatropin, ZyaTropin, and the list goes on and on). It appears that the site has been slowing down its operations ever since RJ was thrown in jail for other matters.
Stay clear of any product that claims to be endorsed by a porn star and any review site that has a porn star endorsing its products. These guys are the reason why the male enhancement industry gets a bad wrap because of the constant misleading claims and bogus promises and quite frankly lies that these sites spew out. Adult porn star endorsed review sites are always 100% fraudulent with respect to what they claim their product can do. They claim that porn stars have used their products for years yet the products listed are almost always brand new! It gets worse. Every few months the name of the product they list as the best changes names (labels are photo-shopped and websites are renamed but the content stays the same). We can assume that this is done so they can stay one step ahead of the FDA, FTC and the law. Everything about their product websites that they l9nk to is 100% fraud and misleading as expected.
3. Virectin
Virectin can be found plastered all over the internet. While the ingredients in the product appear to be on par with some of the more well known brands the shady marketing behind the product leaves much to be desired. The manufacturer claims that the ingredients are pharmaceutical grade which is 100% false. You can not claim to have an all natural herbal product on one hand and then right on the bottle slap the words “pharmaceutical grade”. This is as shady as it gets and an attempt to fraudulently claim that the product is better or somehow associated with pharmaceuticals.
The product touts a 60 day guarantee. HOWEVER our readers tell us that when they went to claim their refund inside of the 60 days they were told that only one bottle could be opened. Needless to say every one of our readers no longer qualified for a return. It turns out that the advertised 60 day guarantee, which is already the shortest in the industry, is actually only a 30 day guarantee – meaning ONLY one bottle may be opened. They also did not refund shipping and handling charges.
4. VirilX (Dignity Bio-Labs) – Created in 2016 yet claims 17 years??!?!
The entire site is bogus and so is “Dignity Biolabs”. It is not a lab at all but instead just a warehouse fulfillment center in the warehouse district in Los Angeles. They recently changed their logo on their site (shown in image above) to fraudulently claim that they have been around for 17 years. WHAT A SCAM! The site was only created in 2016!!! We can only assume that they did this because when they created their site we were celebrating our 17th year and they had to try to upstage us by lying. Pathetic. They have been ripping people off for 6 years, not 17.
The product they rank #1 is called VirilX and of course is a product they own. We could not find anything positive at all about the brand or the “company behind” it and the only place where you can find it for sale or listed in a positive light is on their own sole review site. While it appears to be a very professional looking male enhancement information site, upon further review it is nothing more than a front for VirilX. Pretty shady and quite the scam.
The “company” behind VirilX is very mysterious to say the least. The address given online appears to have numerous complaints against it for double billing , credit card fraud (unauthorized charges) and the like with the BBB and RipOffReport. We strongly suggest that you stay clear of this product and the bogus review website behind it.
5. “Malecore” & Ultimate Male Xtreme – 100% Biased Product Sites.
( &,, and the list goes on)
Actually pretty much any website that has the word “ultra” in it seems to be connected to this fraudulent marketing scam.
These bogus brands listed on the above sites have been around for a while now scattered throughout the internet. The marketing team behind the brands have had most, if not all of their previous fake review sites banned by Google for misleading claims. They all used 100% fraudulent marketing techniques claiming that the products can work wonders when all they do is go to work hard on your bank account. Unfortunately each site contains loads of fraudulent claims about getting ”massive penis size increases” and full of fake testimonials. We have received word that the websites and products connected to these scammers are under the watchful eye of the FDA and FTC.
6. Zydenafil / VasoSTAM (
This review site is relatively new to the industry and we of course uncovered the fact that both products ranked in their top 2 spots are owned by the same same company that operates the review site!! This once again means that everything on the site is 100% biased and should not be trusted. The bogus review site even goes so far as to list the well know brands like Enhancerx™ and VigRx Plus™ but places them lower down their ranking in an attempt to make their own products sound more appealing. The bogus reviews for all of the other listed products are not even correct with respect to ingredients lists. What a scam!
We have received word that the FTC are investigating the fraud as we speak and the FDA is looking into their brand “Zydenafil” since it is way to similar in name to Sildenafil which is the drug in Viagra®.
7. Granite / Vital Alpha Testo (Bogus Wix sites and Facebook Ads)
These two products are well known scams in the industry for various reasons. Our readers tell us that when they unfortunately purchased their products they were double billed and even triple billed and the scammers made it very hard to cancel and almost impossible to get a refund. Nice out of ten readers had to cancel their credit cards in order to stop the billing. Needless to say the products DO NOT work as advertised…period!
They operate out of a UPS store in Georgia which they claim is their headquarters. The company behind the scam products also copies and illegally uses other well known brands trademarks in their product names in order to confuse the buyer into thinking that they are buying the real thing when clearly it is not.
We have received word that the FTC are investigating the fraud as we speak and the FDA is looking into their brands as well.
8. The Fake Review Site (
This is a brand new fake review site set up as a front for the brand new product it owns and promotes called GentMax. Please note that GentMax claims that it is an FDA registered product which is a not only a lie but illegal. The FDA does not ”register” or promote in any way herbal products. Fraudulent statements and marketing like that is the first sign of a scam product.
Now we know that they own and operate the biased review site it makes sense that this GentMax nonsense is the only product that you can actually buy from the site since every link on the site points to The rest of the products listed are there only to try to give their site more credibility. Of course they do not list the real industry rated male enhancement products because quite frankly why would they. They do go the extra mile to try to make them look worse with fake reviews though which is common for scams like this.
We give these new guys about 2 weeks before they are brought down for fraud.
9. Progentra / MaleGenix & Their Fake Review Sites.
The bogus and extremely fraudulent brands called, Progentra and MaleGenix (exact copy of the Progentra website) are of course owned by the same fake company called BIOLABS. They have been slowly creeping up the listings on most search engines for months now. Most readers with any shred of common sense know to stay clear of these two brands and all of the bogus claims that they make on their websites so we have never had to really warn the public about the brand.
However now the makers of the brand have recently launched a few of their own fake review site called “” and “” which of course claims that Progentra and MaleGenix are the best products on the market. When will the garbage stop? Stay clear of the brands and their bogus sites and you will do just fine.
10. Fake “Shark Tank®” Review Sites.
All operated by the same scammer. We have watched quite a lot of fake “shark tank” review sites or pages pop up online lately that have basically stolen copyright material and screen captures from the TV show and photo-shopped their own product image into the screenshot in an attempt to claim that their product was on the show. The show they have chosen is one that has two ladies women presenting their skin cream. In their doctored screenshot of the show you can still see the real skin cream on the table, but of course everything else has been removed and their bogus male enhancement product has been photo-shopped in. What a scam!!
11. Zytenz Review Sites.
The product called Zytenz is owned by the same company that sells 8 For Men, OxySurge, Vigorexin, ViagenXL and Vydexafil among several others. In fact Zytenz is identical as their other product called ViagenXl. EVEN THE FAKE TESTIMONIALS ARE IDENTICAL for both products on both sites which is of course 100% Fraud!!
They operate out of Utah and have created so many different bogus review sites that they must have a designated staff member whose sole job is to try to keep the scheme straight.
That is right! Every single review site that lists Zytenz, ViagenXL, Vydexafil or Vigorexin in a positive way is actually OWNED BY THE MAKER OF THE BRANDS.
They all look the same (same designer) and they all use the same bogus testimonials for each brand. We get several emails almost daily from customers who have tried their products and they tell us that they do not work as advertised and that their money back or lifetime guarantee as they call it is never honored.
12. Vasoplexx & Vigorus Owned Review Sites: (complete ripoff of another site)
Vasoplexx is another brand that operates its own multiple biased review sites. Vasoplexx is also owned by the same guys that own Vigorus and Envigor8. Vigorus is a copycat name of the well known brand called VigRx. They are simply trying to confuse the public by using a similar name. You will not find the Vasoplexx or Vigorus brands listed ANYWHERE else on the internet in a “positive way” unless it is on one of their OWN bogus review sites. They have been in trouble before with their crazy and outrageous claims and have been forced to change the claims made on their website countless times over the years and yet they somehow come back online to rip people off.
Everything about these 3 brands and the fake review sites behind them throws up red flags. The products are NOT Doctor Approved and they do NOT work as advertised based on the endless complaints we get from their past clients.
13. Extagen owned review sites: (brand new)
Extagen is back in the male enhancement scene after a 4 year absence and from what our readers, but more importantly what the FDA tell us, this is NOT a good thing. The product contains Yohimbe which has been considered an unsafe ingredient by the FDA since 1997. A few years ago it was exposed that the product’s main ingredient was extremely unsafe and as expected Extagen slowly disappeared from review sites. Well it is back and of course listed only on the manufacturer owned review sites. No wonder their ‘own review site’ does not even tell you that the product contains yohimbe !!!
We do not recommended any product that contains Yohimbe due to the simple fact that if the ingredient is not monitored by a doctor then it can be very harmful and actually lead to serious side effects and even death.
Reported side effects include hypertension, anxiety, rapid heart rate, abdominal pain, hallucinations, incoordination, confusion, chills, lethargy, lupus like syndrome and renal failure, according to a 2010 study in The Annals of Pharmacotherapy.
Stay clear of any product that contains yohimbe, plain and simple.
14. Viarexin and Viatropin.
This website manufactures, owns and operates the products it lists on its so called “review site” called ” Viarexin, Viatropin, Trx-86″ just to name a few. In fact Viarexin and Viatropin even have the same phone number. The ingredients are not listed (ingredients that we have heard of before and recognize as legitimate male enhancing ingredients that is) and the only way to find out how much the products sell for is by first giving away your email address.
The name Viatropin is very similar to Zyatropin and Penatropin which are two very familiar brands that were under the microscope of the authorities for fraud. I would suggest that they rethink the name. Another interesting note is that the review site uses the same graphics and layout as the bogus site ‘inchesinweeks” previously mentioned. Perhaps they are both the same entity? We will never know but if you stay away from them you should be okay.
15. Erectzan / Hardazan Plus.
The only place where you will find Hardazan or Erectzan listed in a positive light is the biased review sites listed above that manufactures, owns and operates the products. They also have a few other review sites that also list the brands as the best brand but we uncovered the fact that the manufacturer owns those sites as well. We believe that Hardazan Plus may be a good product based on the ingredients used however we have yet to hear of any positive feedback from clients who have used the brand to date.
16. Affiliate Based Review Sites
Affiliate based review websites can be found listed all over the internet. They are usually listed in the regular or organic listings on the search engines run by search engine optimization specialists. Since these people are usually only SEO specialists and not male enhancement pill company owners or experts, they are in it ONLY for the money. They just want to make a quick buck by promoting whatever company’s product pays them the most in commissions.
This means that Affiliate based review sites are almost always 100% biased because they ONLY list products which give them a commission when a reader buys something through the affiliated links placed on the site. This scenario of course creates an extremely biased review site because they only end up listing products from companies that pay out the highest commissions and do not even mention the real top products available on the market. While they claim that they do not own any of the products listed which is true, they do not disclose the fact that they only list products from manufacturers who pay them huge commissions.
More information coming soon as we generate the list in the next few days.
17. Any review site found on Yahoo or Bing.
Do not trust any review site found using either the Yahoo or Bing search engines. The biggest scam product and fake review site listed ranks the brand Predoxen as the best which of course they actually own! The bogus review site called “” literally copied our entire site a few years ago and then gradually switched out the real industry ranked products with their own Predoxen garbage.
Almost all of the websites found in the sponsored ads section of Yahoo or Bing are 100% biased and the claims that are made on those sites are 100% fraudulent. They appear to have no morals or ethics when it comes to allowing review sites to basically say whatever they wish about a product. Gain 5 inches in 5 days or take this pill and you will grow taller??? Crazy.
The most recent search we tried on Yahoo for male enhancement brought up a website that claims to increase your height by taking a pill which is silly to say the least and yet Yahoo does nothing to remove it.
Now that you know what to watch out for you can search the web wisely and safely choose a product that works. Read our real unbiased reviews of the top 5 products by clicking here.