Male Enhancement Ingredients

The Right Ingredients are the Key To Successful Enhancement.

We will be adding more information soon with respect to the pros and cons of the major ingredients found in most advertised male enhancement products on the market.

Today though we will start with a review of the latest ingredient that has been artificially and unjustly “hyped up as the new best thing” to happen in the male enhancement industry and it is called Butea Superba.

The Question: Why are a few of the review sites found online creating so much hype and giving false hope over an ingredient that has proven to do absolutely nothing to the male anatomy?

The Answer: They are simply looking for a new marketing gimmick to try to separate themselves from the pack. But more importantly, they also own the products that they list.

The Facts: The ingredient Butea Superba is not an all new wonder herb. In fact it has been around for years. The FDA added it to their ‘poisonous plants’ list as far back as 1964. But the scam artists still insist that it as the best known ingredient for penis enlargement ever to hit the market.

Our research team has investigated Butea Superba and it should be noted that every study conducted outside of Thailand does NOT show any promising results. The so called clinical trial literature posted on their site is all smoke and mirrors and basically garbage. In truth the real clinical studies that were performed on humans paint another picture altogether.  Here is the conclusion of the most recent study of the herb in 2009.

Reference: BJUI (British Journal Of Urology)

CONCLUSIONS:  A ‘natural’ health product containing BS was more effective than sildenafil in the first part of the study, but in the second, using another batch of BS, the positive result could not be repeated and no effect was recorded. The conclusion is that the first preparation of BS was most likely blended with a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, (a drug) later confirmed by the supplier of BS (a natural health products company) after their own analysis.

There you have it. In order for the ingredient “Butea Superba” to have any effect it must be combined with pharmaceutical or drug. Please note that the FDA is also investigating and reevaluating this ingredient so until they have an answer we recommend that you stay clear of this ingredient.

More information about ingredients

